Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda is a twin-island nation lying between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It consists of two major inhabited islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and a number of smaller islands. The capital and largest port and city is St. John's, on Antigua.
The islands have warm, steady winds, a complex coastline of safe harbors, and a protective, nearly unbroken wall of coral reef.
Stunning white sand beaches abound, and on Antigua there is no shortage of attendant high-end resorts. Barbuda still has the beaches but little tourism-based infrastructure.
The picturesque coastal enclave around historic English Harbour, on the southernmost tip of the island, is a must to see.
Antigua and Barbuda
BEST TIME to TRAVEL to Antigua and Barbuda
from January to mid April

old church

English Harbour - so english but not very useful with mobile phones !

English Harbour - these thick stone pillars mark what was once the lower floor of a boat and sail loft. Hulls were repaired and cleaned in the main building, with sails hoisted up through a trap door to be attended to in the loft.

English Harbour - the thick stone pillars mark what was once the lower floor of a boat and sail loft. Hulls were repaired and cleaned in the main building, with sails hoisted up through a trap door to be attended to in the loft.

English Harbour - a restaurant with an amazing view

English Harbour - old house

English Harbour - colonial style building

English Harbour - one gate

Antigua island - Half moon Bay

Antigua Island - church

Antigua Island - English harbour

children playing in waves

Antigua Island - Beautif caribbean sea


old house


old city


Beach bar

relax at the pool


old house

typical caribbean houses

Protect yourself from the sun

old church

old house

Antigua island - turquoise Caribbean sea

Dream beach with palms

bird's eye

old city

old city

cruise ship

old house

street view




English Harbour - relax in a hammock


Antigua Island - Bay

Antigua Island - Long Bay

main street with old colonial style buildings


Antigua Island - tropical flowers

Antigua Island - shop

colorful house

English Harbour - old building

bird's eye

English harbour

colorful house


old city

old city

old building

old city

old city

old city

old city

old city

old city

old city

old city

old city

old city


bird's eye5

bird's eye

harbour and cruise ships - bird's eye view


old building