GEORGIA - Cave Monastery of David Gareja
The cave monastery of Davit Gareja is located at Udabno (70 Kms from Tbilisi), and was founded by David (St. David Garejeli) in the 6th Century sent to strengthen Christianity in Georgia. The complex consists of 13 monasteries spread out in the hills of this semi-desert area around what is today the border between Georgia and Azerbaijan. The complex includes hundreds of cells, churches, chapels, refectories and living quarters hollowed out of the rock face. Despite the harsh environment, the monastery remained an important centre of religious and cultural activity for many centuries.
from June to September
cave monastery of Davit Gareja
Rock-hewn monastery of Davit Gareja
cave monastery of Davit Gareja
cave monastery of Davit Gareja - entrance
Rock-hewn monastery complex with hundreds of cave structures tucked away into the mountainside
cave monastery of Davit Gareja
cave monastery of Davit Gareja - church
cave monastery of Davit Gareja - defensive towers
cave monastery of Davit Gareja
cave monastery of Davit Gareja - caves
cave monastery of Davit Gareja - towers
cave monastery of Davit Gareja
cave monastery of Davit Gareja
David Gareja Monastery
Natlismtsemeli (the baptist) Monastery is closed to David Gareja monastery
arid landscape around the monastery
landscape around the monastery
heading to the cave monastery of Davit Gareja
driving to the monastery - cattle
bad unpaved road
heading to the cave monastery of Davit Gareja
landscape with Natlismtsemeli monastery
cattle is moving freely