ITALY - Sicily - Syracuse
Syracuse (Siracusa in italian) is a historic city and is notable for its rich Greek and Roman history, culture, amphitheatres, architecture, and as the birthplace of the pre-eminent mathematician and engineer Archimedes. It later became part of the Roman Republic and the Byzantine Empire, also and later a part of Italy. Since 2005, the entire city of Syracuse, along with the Necropolis of Pantalica, were listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
From April to October
Syracuse - roman amphitheater
Syracuse - roman ruins
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
Syracuse - Historic town is overlooking the sea
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
Syracuse - old city
Syracuse - old large quarry
Syracuse - Historic city of Syracuse is located on the small island of Ortygia
Syracuse - Greek Theater
Syracuse - street view
Syracuse - Historic city - Souvenir shop selling the typical ceramic heads
Syracuse - Siracusa is bordered by the sea and was protected by a fortress
Syracuse - Historic city - old barocco buildings
Syracuse (Siracusa in itialian) is a historic city and is notable for its rich Greek and Roman history, culture, amphitheatres and architecture. The old city is bordered by the sea.
Syracuse - Historic city - old fountain
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
- one entrance
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia) - this one is famous and is called "ear of Dionysius.
Syracuse - old quarry (latomia)
Syracuse - Historic city - narrow street
Syracuse - Historic city - narrow street
Syracuse - Historic city - street view
Syracuse - Historic city - souvenir shop
Syracuse - Historic city - restaurant
Syracuse - Historic city - church
Syracuse - Historic city - old building
Syracuse - Historic city - church
Syracuse - Historic city - street view
Syracuse - Historic city - old fountain
Syracuse - Historic city - old building - window
Syracuse - Historic city - church
Syracuse - Historic city overview
Syracuse - Historic city overview
Syracuse - Historic city overview
Syracuse - Historic city overview
green lizard
Syracuse - old quarries carved in the rock
Syracuse - Necropolis
Syracuse - necropolis