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Almost 100 kilometers from the city of Dashoguz (480 km from Ashgabat) is located the ancient city of Kunya-Urgench (Old Urgench). At the beginning of the 1st century AD the Chinese sources mentioned the city of Yue-gan which is identified with city of Gurgench or Urgench. Kunya-Urgench stood on the extremely favorable geographical location - the crossing of two major caravan routes: to the east, to China, and from the south - to the northwest, to the Volga. Such position inevitably influence the city's growth rate and it did grew, quickly expanding turning in to a true center of civilization. During entire 13th century Gurgandzh had been a heart of "the Islamic World"  until its governor rebelled against Genghis Khan. Mongols completely destroyed the famous city, razed it to the ground. That is why contemporary Kunya - Urgench is considerably wrecked.  The first of them is a jewel of ancient Khoresm - the mausoleum of Tyurabek-khanym and the minaret of Kutlug-Timur. There are also majestic ancient fortified cities like Devkesen, Shasenem, Zmukshir, Kenevas and many others. There are preserved numerous archeological and architectural monuments presenting considerable scientific and cultural value on the territory of Kunya Urgench. Kunya Urgench is listed in UNESCO.
BEST TIME to TRAVEL to Kunya-Urgench
From May to September
    (hot in summer)
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