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INDIA - Punjab - around Amritsar

Flag Ceremony at the Wagah Border

Wagah Border (or Whaga) is located at 30 kms from Amritsar and there is a very popular daily flag raising and lowering ceremony, done with fascinating pomp and ceremony that involves lots of tall soldiers in massive turbans goose-stepping about and slamming gates. Both the Indian and Pakistani border forces do this and it has become a tradition for indians and pakistanis gather and see this. Both sides synchronize their parade and the entire event is meant to create a feel-good/patriotic fervour amongst the crowd. It is called the beating retreat ceremony. The flag lowering ceremony is around 4:15 PM everyday has become the main event for tourists. In addition, there is now a short cultural programme also done by local folk dancers (Bhangra) for the waiting crowd before the ceremony. Please take note that a peak crowd of upto 2000+ people can assemble on the Indian side on weekends/long weekends/public holidays. The crowd consists of both tourists & locals. The noise and atmosphere of the assembled crowds on both sides of the border is similar to that of a sporting match and very entertaining. If the military ritual is identical on either side of the border, there are many much more people on the Indian side and the building is being expanded to receive more. Men and women on the Indian side are mixed while on the Pakistani side, men and women are separated.



From October to February
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