ECUADOR - Galapagos Islands
Genovesa Island
Genovesa Island, named after the Italian city of Genoa, in honor of Christopher Columbus, is a shield volcano in the eastern Galápagos Islands. The island occupies about 14 square kilometres (5 sq mi), and its maximum elevation is 64 m (210 ft). The horse-shoe shaped island has a volcanic caldera whose wall has collapsed, forming the Great Darwin Bay, surrounded by cliffs. Although no historical eruptions are known from Genovesa, there are very young lava flows on the flanks of the volcano.
This island is known as Bird Island, because of the large and varied bird colonies which nest here. There are an abundance of frigatebirds and it is among the best place in the archipelago to see red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, storm petrels, tropicbirds, Darwin's finches, and Galápagos mockingbirds.
Galapagos : April to December

Genovesa island - the elusive and fast red-beak tropicbird

Genovesa island - a majestic frigatebird flying

Genovesa island - the elusive and fast red-beak tropicbird - This bird has 2 long feathers at the end of its tail

Genovesa island - Lava rocks between the caldera and the inside channel

Genovesa island - Frigatebird - juvenal

Genovesa island - mangrove trees are full of birds nesting

Genovesa island - Red-footed boobies on land - one is exercises to fly

Genovesa island - Red-footed boobies on land waiting their time to fly - their parents are still feeding them until they can do it themselves - Those juvenals have brown feet which will become red later

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby nesting - We can see one egg under

Genovesa island - Red-footed boobiies - the egg hatched and the mother is still nesting

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby baby in a mangrove tree

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - Baby is growing fed by the parents

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - still fluffy

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal with some white feathers on its head

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal but with red feet

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal with a bluish beak

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal with a dark bluish beak

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal with a bluish beak but stull brown feet

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - full grown with a blue beak abd red feet

Genovesa island - Red-footed boobies - full grown with a blue beak abd red feet

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - full grown with a blue beak abd red feet but this one is whiter than the grey ones - we saw few of them as the brown color is more common for red-footed boobies

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby with the brown color which is more common

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - full grown with a blue beak abd red feet but this one is whiter than the grey ones - we saw few of them as the brown color is more common for red-footed boobies

Genovesa island - Nazca boobies have an orange beak and brown feet - Here they are bonding before mating

Genovesa island - Nazca booby - head

Genovesa island - Nazca booby

Genovesa island - Small owl with a very good camouflage on the lava - this owl don't hunt in flight but in ambush when small birds are flying very low to catch insects

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal with brown feet - red color will come later

Genovesa island - Mockingbird

Genovesa island - Nazca booby - this juvenal came to us on the trail and was very intrigued by the walking stick

Genovesa island - Marine iguana are climbing the high cliff everynight to come back to the ocean to feed during the day

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobby on a tree

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobby - blue beak but red feet

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobbies - Juvenals on a rock - they can't fly at this age

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobby and a frigatebird on a bush

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobby - Juvenal trying its wings but can't fly at the moment

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobby flying

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobbies - juvenals

Genovesa island - Red-footed bobbies - juvenals

Genovesa island - Sea lions - the cub is milking its mother

Genovesa island - Sea lions on the beach

Genovesa island - Frigatebird nesting

Genovesa island - Frigatebird

Genovesa island - small ray in the water

Genovesa island - Salted water is entering in this channel. Mangrove trees both side are a perfect place for nesting

Genovesa island - cacti

Genovesa island - harsh lava land at the top of the cliff

Genovesa island - Swallow-tailed gulls

Genovesa island - Swallow-tailed gull

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby in a strange position as the head is turned at 180° - so we see its tail and its blue beak at the same time

Genovesa island - Very flexible red-footed booby cleaning its red feet

Genovesa island - Funny nazca booby - juvenal

Genovesa island - Marine iguana

Genovesa island - Juvenal nazca booby walking on the trail with tourists, without any fear. The booby had touched the stick and one shoe as they were looking strange for him

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby exercising its wings, but it's still too early to fly

Genovesa island - Sea Lion

Genovesa island - Swallow-tailed gull bringing a small stone to build the nest

Genovesa island - Perfect camouflage for this owl in ambush for preys

Genovesa island - Crested Heron

Genovesa island - Beautiful back feathers of a crested Heron

Genovesa island - Swallow-tailed gull

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal in a mangrove tree

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal in a mangrove tree

Genovesa island - Frigatebird

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - baby

Genovesa island - Frigatebird - juvenal

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal with bluisk beak

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby but blue beak

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby but blue beak

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby with a blue open beak

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby with a blue largely open beak

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby - juvenal

Genovesa island - Swallow-tailed gull

Genovesa island - Nazca boobies bonding before mating season

Genovesa island - Nazca boobies bonding before mating season

Genovesa island - Nazca boobies bonding before mating season

Genovesa island - Nazca boobies bonding before mating season

Genovesa island - Nazca boobies bonding before mating season

Genovesa island - Nazca boobies bonding before mating season

Genovesa island - Nazca booby juvenal - very funny guy with its large feet

Genovesa island - Rough stairs to reach the top of the cliff

Genovesa island - Frigatebird - juvenal on a nest

Genovesa island - Marine iguana

Genovesa island - many birds are nesting at the top of the cliff or on the cliff

Genovesa island - majestic tropicbird

Genovesa island - There is only two access to this island from the volcanic caldera whose wall has collapsed, forming the Great Darwin Bay, surrounded by cliffs.

Genovesa island - Red-footed boobies on rocks

Genovesa island - the Great Darwin Bay, is surrounded by cliffs.

Genovesa island - Swallow-tailed gull bringing a stone for the nest

Genovesa island -Swallow-tailed gulls

Genovesa island - Swallow-tailed gull

Genovesa island - Crested heron

Genovesa island - Galapagos Dove

Genovesa island - Frigatebird

Genovesa island - cacti

Genovesa island - Red-footed booby on a mangrove tree

Genovesa island - Frigatebird - fluffy juvenal

Genovesa island - Frigatebirds and Boobies are living in peace on the same island BUT...

Genovesa island - This adult nazca booby attacks the frigatebird juvenal on its nest - we don't know why

Genovesa island - The juvenal frigatebird was calling strongly its parents but they were gone for fishing

Genovesa island - A nazca booby is agressing a frigatebird juvenal which was calling its parents for help, but they were too far away

Genovesa island - the juvenal frigatebird flights back courageously as he can

Genovesa island - no one can intervene on these protected islands and it was difficult to see the juvenal attacked by an adult of another specie. But finally there was a good end and the nazca booby left away