BRAZIL - North Pantanal - Cuiaba
Porto Jofre - Mato Grosso
Mato Grosso (or Mato Grosso do Norte) is one of the states of Brazil, the third largest by area, located in the western part of the country.
Mato Grosso contains three main ecosystems: the Cerrado, the Pantanal and the Amazon rainforest. Open pasture vegetation covers 40% of the state.
To visit Pantanal, the best airport is Cuiaba and many excursions are starting from Porto Jofre, generally for few days as wildlife is very impressive.
Today, Porto Jofre attracts probably too much tourists and it's common to see 20 boats for a jaguar sight. Also the birds aren't plenty like few years ago, probably disturbed by many speed boats on rivers and channels.
Pantanal : July to September

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jacana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Kiskadi bird - the back is brown when the belly is yellow

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Black-collared hawk

Cruise from Porto Jofre - a new tree a growing on a fallen tree

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Trees along the river

Cruise from Porto Jofre - The roots of the trees are very visible as boats are eroding the edges with their waves, and finally fall in the river

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Trees along the river

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Ringed kingfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre - may be a dove

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Screamer (female)

Cruise from Porto Jofre - small heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter eating a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Tiger Heron (juvenal)

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Tiger heron (juvenal)

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Tiger Heron (adult)

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Roadside hawk

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - green parakeet

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Green parakeets

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jabiru

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Black vulture

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jabiru

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Great egret

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Black-collared hawk

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Black hawk (female)

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Skimmer

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Caracara

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otters

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter with a fish in its mouth

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter with a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jabiru, snow egret and great egret

Cruise from Porto Jofre - skimmer

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Black hawk (female) has an incredible camouflage

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - tree and have a look on the level of the last flood

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Green kingfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre - sunset

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar sitting on the edge of the river

Cruise from Porto Jofre - deer

Cruise from Porto Jofre - capybaras

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter feeding on a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter swimming

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Roseate spoonbills

Cruise from Porto Jofre - hyacinth macaw

Cruise from Porto Jofre - ringed kingfisher with a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jacana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Lineated pecker

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguars during mating season - the male is bigger and more impressive

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguars during mating season

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguars during mating season

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - southern eatanter

Cruise from Porto Jofre - swamps

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Rainbow

Cruise from Porto Jofre - roseate spoonbills

Cruise from Porto Jofre - brown capuchin monkey

Cruise from Porto Jofre - iguana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman - impressive jaws

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman babies

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Local fishermen boat

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Tree and its roots

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Anhinga also called snakebird

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Too many boats are cruising on the Pantanal rivers

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman

Cruise from Porto Jofre - trees

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otters

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Impressive jaws and mouth

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar sleeping

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - capybaras

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - landscape

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - landscape

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - male deer

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar almost invisible in the long grass

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Hyacinth macaw

Cruise from Porto Jofre - pretty bird

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter eating a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otters eating a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter eating a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otters relaxing

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar sleeping.. or not

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar sleeping

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar sleeping

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar heading to the dark forest

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda entering in the swamp

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda entering in the swamp

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda entering in the swamp

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda entering in the swamp - here just the tail is visible

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda entering in the swamp - here just the end of the tail is visible

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda on the road

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda on the road

Cruise from Porto Jofre - young anaconda entering in the swamp - here just the end of the tail is visible


Giant Anteater

Cruise from Porto Jofre - sunset

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Iguana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguars during the mating season

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguars during the mating season

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguars during the mating season

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Capybaras

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Boats on the river

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Skimmer

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Caiman

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguars during the mating season

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - The otters have seen a jaguar and shout loudly

Cruise from Porto Jofre - The otters have seen a jaguar and shout loudly

Cruise from Porto Jofre - The otters have seen a jaguar and shout loudly

Cruise from Porto Jofre - The otters have seen a jaguar and shout loudly

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Vulture on a caiman corpse

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Vulture on a caiman corpse

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jabiru fishing

Cruise from Porto Jofre - sunset

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter eating a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar hunting

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar in the water

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - male Jaguar marking its territory

Cruise from Porto Jofre - capybara swimming

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Iguana

The Transpantaneira road is sometimes dangerous - Here in 2019, our driver is moving the planking to secure our passage. The government replaced many bridges but many are still in poor condition

Cruise from Porto Jofre -Jacamar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Try to find the female black hawk on this picture - very good camouflage

Cruise from Porto Jofre - iguana

Cruise from Porto Jofre -Black-collared hawk

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Anhinga

Cruise from Porto Jofre - screamers male and female

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter swimming

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Anhinga

Cruise from Porto Jofre - capybaras

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman with a big fish in its mouth

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman with a big fish in its mouth

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman swallowing a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Trees and roots

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman

Cruise from Porto Jofre - caiman

Cruise from Porto Jofre - green iguana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - green iguana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - capubaras swimming

Cruise from Porto Jofre - small heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - green iguana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Female great black hawk

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - female of the small green kingfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - male of the small green kingfisher

Ringed kingfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre - brown swallow

Cruise from Porto Jofre -Tiger heron (juvenal)

Cruise from Porto Jofre -Anhinga (femaie)

Cruise from Porto Jofre -Anhinga (maie)

Cruise from Porto Jofre -brown swallow

Cruise from Porto Jofre - small bird

Cruise from Porto Jofre - female of the small green kingfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre -Tiger heron (juvenal)

Cruise from Porto Jofre -blue swallow

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jacamar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jacamar - they are looking like hummingbirds but they aren't

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jacamar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - pretty bird

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Ringed kinfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Limpkin

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Brown swallows

Cruise from Porto Jofre - black-collared hawk

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Ringed kingfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar in the tall grass

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar in the tall grass

Cruise from Porto Jofre - cormorant

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - cocoy heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Ringed kingfisher

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Cocoi heron

Cruise from Porto Jofre - two great black hawks

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter eating a fish

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Anhinga

Cruise from Porto Jofre - Giant otter eating

Cruise from Porto Jofre - iguana

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - jaguar

Cruise from Porto Jofre - cardinal bird

Cruise from Porto Jofre - small green fisher (female)

Cruise from Porto Jofre - swallow