BRAZIL - Paraty (or Parati)
Paraty grew in the 18th century as a strategically important port for exporting the gold mined in Minas Gerais. When shipments in nearby Rio began to attract the attention and ambition of pirates and privateers from rival European powers, the Portuguese began using Paraty as their safe port for getting their gold to Lisbon. Together with Ouro Preto, the town was part of the Royal Road (Caminho Real or Caminho do Ouro, Gold Road), a route used to export gold in colonial times. It was also an obligatory sleep-over stop for travelers between Rio and São Paulo until the late 1800s, when the inner road was opened. This caused Paraty to be forgotten, stalled in time, away from "progress" and disfiguration and helped it preserve its old city as it was in the past. In the 1970s, it was rediscovered as a popular tourist destination and is today a must destination in Brazil.
from May to September

Historic Town - Souvenir shop

Historic Town - old church, so small that many people are attending the mass outside

Historic Town - Souvenir shop

Historic Town - restaurant

Historic Town - restaurant

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - souvenir shop on the street

Historic Town - old church

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - small church

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - souvenir shop

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

great egret fishing in the harbour

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - Small harbour with colorful boats

Historic Town - Small harbour

Historic Town - Small harbour with colorful boats

Historic Town - Small harbour

Historic Town - Small harbour with colorful boats

Historic Town - Small harbour

Historic Town - Small harbour with colorful boats

Historic Town - Small harbour

Historic Town - Small harbour with colorful boats

Historic Town - old houses

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic town - Yellow door

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

Historic Town - old church

Historic Town - old house with colorful doors

Historic Town - it's impossible to enter with a car in the historic town - this young boy is seated on the chain which forbid the entrance

Cachaca is the typical alcohol in Brazil, made with sugar cane - Here a shop with many brands

Cachaca is the typical alcohol in Brazil, made with sugar cane - Here a shop with many brands

Historic Town - old house with colorful doors

Historic Town - old church

Historic Town - old house with colorful doors


Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

souvenir shop

Historic Town - old houses with colorful doors

souvenir shop

Historic Town - old house



beach landscape

forest landscape


forest landscape