BRAZIL - Amazon - Manaus
Manaus is the capital city of the state of Amazonas and is situated near the confluence of the Negro and Solimoes rivers in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, and access to the city is primarily by boat or airplane. This isolation helped preserve both the natural environment as well as the culture of the city. The city was founded in 1669 as the Fort of Sao José do Rio Negro. It was elevated to a town in 1832.
The city is the main access point for visiting the fauna and flora of the Brazilian Amazon. Few places in the world afford such a variety of plants, birds, insects, and fishes.
Manaus was known at the beginning of the century, as "Heart of the Amazon" and "City of the Forest" and rubber boom during the late 19th century. For a time, it was "one of the gaudiest cities of the world". The city built a grand opera house, with vast domes and gilded balconies, and using marble, glass, and crystal, from around Europe and many beautiful houses for the rubber "barons".
Amazonia : from June to October

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour - a lot of boats like this are transporting people, food and materials to towns and villages around

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour - Here street food

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour - a lot of boats like this are transporting people, food and materials to towns and villages around

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour - small shop

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour - a lot of boats like these are transporting people, food and materials to towns and villages around

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour

View of the vibrant and busy Manaus Harbour - a lot of boats like this one are transporting people, food and materials to towns and villages around

Old city with colorful buildings

Old city with colorful buildings

Old city with colorful buildings

Old large "rubber barons" houses


Old city with colorful buildings

Old city with an old colorful building

Old city - Ancient abandoned building

Old city - Ancient building

Old city - Now all new buildings are made with concrete

Opera House (Teatro Amazonas)

Opera House (Teatro Amazonas) and an old house

old large house

Opera House (Teatro Amazonas)

old rubber "barons" house

The Meeting of Waters (Encontro das aguas), the mysterious place where the waters of two different-colored rivers meet to form the great Amazon.



The Meeting of Waters (Encontro das aguas), the mysterious place where the waters of two different-colored rivers meet to form the great Amazon.

boat with a bad and polluting engine

a lot of boats are bringing goods and people from and to Manaus, to others towns and villages

selling fish

Houses on the river bank

Houses on the river bank

Houses on the river bank

Trees on the river bank

Houses on the river bank

Houses on the river bank

Speed boat

a lot of boats are bringing goods and people from and to Manaus, to others towns and villages

speed boat

Large boat coming from overseas thru the large Amazon river

Port of Manaus

Manaus harbour view - a lot of boats are bringing goods and people from and to Manaus, to others towns and villages

bridge at sunset

old yellow building

old red house

the famous opera house

opera house facade


colorful building

a lot of boats like this are transporting people, food and materials to towns and villages around

Flooded forest - Jacanas

young man posing for us


Street food - Meat skewers

some people steal young animals, and then exhibit them to tourists - this is very sad even we can understand some people in Brazil are poor and try to find a way to get money. Here a green anaconda

some people steal young animals, and then exhibit them to tourists - this is very sad even we can understand some people in Brazil are poor and try to find a way to get money. Here a green anaconda

some people steal young animals, and then exhibit them to tourists - this is very sad even we can understand some people in Brazil are poor and try to find a way to get money. Here a green anaconda

some people steal young animals, and then exhibit them to tourists - this is very sad even we can understand some people in Brazil are poor and try to find a way to get money. Here a green anaconda

some people steal young animals, and then exhibit them to tourists - this is very sad even we can understand some people in Brazil are poor and try to find a way to get money. Here a baby sloth very probably stolen to its mother

monkeys are easy to spot in the forest but make a picture is more difficult

small shop at the Manaus harbour


Opera house

new concrete buildings

Central Market - Health products

souvenir shop - Central Market

Central Market - Health products

Central Market - café

Central Market - building for fish

dry fish

Central Market - Mercado central

Central Market - café terrace

Central Market - Mercado central - fish building

Central Market - stain glass


Central Market - building for meat

Blue old house


old blue house

colorful houses

colorful houses


The Meeting of Waters (Encontro das aguas), the mysterious place where the waters of two different-colored rivers meet to form the great Amazon.

The Meeting of Waters (Encontro das aguas), the mysterious place where the waters of two different-colored rivers meet to form the great Amazon.

The Meeting of Waters (Encontro das aguas), the mysterious place where the waters of two different-colored rivers meet to form the great Amazon.

the giant Victoria water lily - it's the end of their life for this season, flowers are gone and they will sink soon

Souvenir shop

House on the river bank

For tourists, some people steal baby sloth to their mother, and then exhibit them to tourists - this is very sad situation, even we can understand some people in Brazil are poor and try to find a way to get money

In season, Brazilians like to go on the river on a floating restaurant platform to have fun and a refreshing bath

Street food - here meat on skewers