CANADA - Quebec Province
Montreal is the cultural and economic capital of Quebec and the main entry point to the province. The second largest city in Canada, it is a city rich in culture and history and a well-deserved reputation as one of the liveliest cities in North America. Montreal is the second-largest French-speaking (as a mother language) city in the world, behind Paris.
From June to September

Historic city - Café

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings with a restaurant

Historic city - Restaurant

Historic city - old building

Historic city - shops

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old building

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - shop

Historic city - Marché du Bon Secours

Historic city - old buildings and a church

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Skyline with old city and skyscrapers

Cruising on Saint Laurent river

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings and get a horse carriage ride

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Souvenir Shop

Notre Dame du Bon Secours church

Shop with a moose's head

Historic city - old building

Historic city - old building

Historic city - old building

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - English man holding a pug

explanation for the 2 statues

historic city - Statue representing a with a woman holding a poodle

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - art shop

Historic city - old building and a restaurant

Historic city - old Market

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings and church

Historic city - old buildings

Notre Dame du Bon Secours - church

old City

Old city - Basilique Notre Dame

Historic city - Bon Secours Market

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old buildings

Historic city - old building

Historic city - statue and an old skyscraper

Iroquois Statue

old city near the old Harbour

Historic city - old buildings

Basilique Notre Dame

Statue in front of Basilique Notre Dame

some of the first skyscrapers in Montreal

Sailing and Montreal City Skyline

Bridge on Saint-Laurent River (Saint-Lawrence river)

Historic city - shop

Historic city - old british building

Historic city - old buildings and a restaurant

Historic city - restaurant

Historic city - hotel dedicated to Art

Historic city - restaurant with a nice terrace