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ETHIOPIA - Omo Valley
Hamar Tribe (Hamer)
The Hamar live among the bush covered hills on the eastern side of the Omo Valley. They are a tribe with unique rituals such as a cattle-leaping ceremony that men go through in order to reach adulthood and the whipping of women. The 20,000 members of the Hamar make their living as successful cattle herders and farmers. Cattle and goats are very important to pay the ‘bride wealth’ to the bride family. In the dry season, whole families go to live in grazing camps with their herds, where they survive on milk and blood from the cattle.
October to March
South Ethiopia - Hamar girl
South Ethiopia - Hamar girl
South Ethiopia - Hamar boys
South Ethiopia - Hamar boys
South Ethiopia - Hamar girl
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
Young girl
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
woman : she is the 1st wife on 3 according to the 3 necklaces she is wearing
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
Hamar woman : the big necklace means she is the 1st wife of her husband (on 3 because of the 2 others necklaces)
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
young girl
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
young girl and baby
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
this necklace means that this young girl is engaged.
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
youn woman
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
young girl and boy
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
young girl and boy - probably sister and brother
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
young boy
South Ethiopia - Hamar Tribe
young boy
South Ethiopia - Omo River Valley
women and cattle
South Ethiopia - Omo River Valley
2 women
South Ethiopia - Omo River Valley
woman in the Hamar village
South Ethiopia - Omo River Valley
bush landscape
South Ethiopia - Omo River Valley
boys are the shepards of Arbore's cattle
South Ethiopia - Omo River Valley
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